Tuesday, August 7, 2012


 there have been littering in Valley Street. This picture above shows one of place that was littered by someone. As you can see that the misplaced rubbish attracted the stray cats. The stray cat then look for food in the rubbish which lead to the surrounding filled with trash. A quote from a resident, Mrs Tan, who lived near the littered area, said “The smell is horrible, every day at around 5pm I will find this pile of rubbish sitting there. Not only has that it attracted the strays’ cats which are meowing so loud that it disturbs my sleep at night.” A similar complaint from Mr Yong said the same, “Valley Street use to be a nice and clean place, now what has it become. “
Mrs Tan have been clearing the rubbish every day. The reason why was because she said that no one will bother clearing it up and it have been attracting more and more cats every day, and it will disturb the neighbours and me with its smell and the cats meowing.

How to prevent littering:
So in order to prevent this from getting worst I wish that everyone in the neighbourhood plays a part and not littering and disposing their rubbish correctly. If you see someone littering or misplacing rubbish in the area, stand up to them or report to the police. I hope that we can work together and our neighbour clean.

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