Tuesday, August 7, 2012


There have been many stray cat sand dogs being spotted around Valley Street. This is probably because they have been abandoned by their owners who lived around the area or are attracted there as there are people feeding them. This is affecting the lives of the residents at Valley Street. The streets are filled with litters of cat food as there are people who are feeding the strays and there have been reported cases of joggers being bitten by stray dogs.

One of the residents, Mrs Lee said: “The place is filled with litters of cat food and excretions of the strays. The whole area reeks of this foul smell!”  Another resident, Mr Tan said: “The dogs are so noisy at night with their barking that I can’t have a good night’s sleep and I was bitten by a stray dog once when I went jogging the other day!”

How to prevent stray dogs and cats:
The residents should stop feeding the strays as this will attract even more strays to the area. They should adopt the strays if they like and are able to or take them to an animal shelter to await adoption instead of letting them roam the streets.

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