Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Police have arrested a 25-year-old woman who is believed to have vandalised several roads in Singapore. Between May 17 to 21 this year, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) saw that the words "MY GRANDFATHER ROAD" were painted along Robinson Road and Maxwell Road and reported the matter to the Police.  It also reported that circular stickers printed with captions were pasted on a pavement around Lau Pa Sat and on a road traffic sign along Robinson Road. The female suspect was arrested at her residence in the eastern part of Singapore on June 3

How to prevent vandalism:
  • Install more CCTV especially around the arear whereby there's not much people
  • Park smart
    Keep your garage locked at home. When you’re out and about, try to find a well-lit, open place to park.
    ·         Car parks
    If you have to park in a car park, look for one with an attendant on duty.
    ·         Cover up
    If vandals can’t see your car, they’re less likely to mess with it. Car covers come in all shapes and sizes so you’re sure to find one to fit your car. It also protects your car from the forces of nature.
    ·         Car insurance
    Make sure you know what you are covered for. Find out from your insurer what kind of coverage you have for car vandalism and theft.

 How everyone can play a part to help improve the current situation? 
  • If anyone is seen vandalising any property, advise them not to do that. If they still refuse to stop, report it to the police.
  • Put up posters at the neighbourhood
  • CC can do up campaigns on vandalism.

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