Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Police have arrested a 57-year-old woman who is suspected to be involved in a series of pickpocketing thefts in market near Valley street. Police have arrested a 57-year-old woman who is suspected to be involved in a series of pickpocketing thefts in Vallet street.The officers kept a close watch on the suspect and trailed her from the market to Bugis Junction, where she was seen taking a purse out from the haversack of a teenage girl.  The officers then immediately moved in and arrested the suspect. A purse containing an EZlink card and a Student Pass was seized.

How to prevent being pickpocketed?
  1. Keep nothing valuable in your back pocket.
  2. Always store valuables in a front pocket or secret pocket.
  3. Avoid walking through large crowds.
  4. Avid touching the pocket where you carry your wallet.
  5. Avoid looking through your wallet or counting money in public.
  6. Never give money to panhandlers, unless you have loose change in your pocket.
  7. Count your money at home.
  8. Close zip on purses and backpacks.
  9. Carry your purse across your chest.
  10. Pick up credit card and other valuables as soon as the clerk returns them.
  11. Whenever you are going out to a public place, only take what you need

Tips & how everyone can play a part to help improve the situation :

  • Always make sure that you know how to contact your credit card company so that if you are pickpocketed, you can get your credit cards cut off as soon as possible!
  • Carry color copies of your ID or passport with you. Leave your real ID at the hotel safe and only take real ID with you if you know for sure you'll need it.
  • Make sure you have no visible bulges on your clothing.
  • Always carry purses/briefcases/handbags/etc. in your dominant hand so you can defend yourself.
  • Always wear good shoes for walking, and be prepared to run from stalkers and pickpockets.
  • Never take anything with you that you aren't prepared to lose.
  • Remember that pickpockets do not wear disguises! They are normal people and blend in with the scene. Pickpockets can be young and old, male and female, rich and poor. Young children, teens, and even seniors can be pickpockets.

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